In a recent episode of the Modern Gays podcast, titled “Exes and Ohs!”, hosts Daniel and Garet discuss the complexities of being friends with an ex-partner. They share personal stories and insights on the delicate balance of maintaining friendships with exes, emphasizing the importance of putting yourself first and doing what feels right for you. To hear more about their experiences and thoughts, check out the Modern Gays podcast and listen to the episode “Exes and Ohs!”.

When a romantic relationship ends, the question of whether or not to remain friends often arises. While some people manage to maintain friendships with their exes, others find it challenging or impossible.

What are some of the key pros and cons of being friends with an ex?


  • Mutual Support: Ex-partners may share a deep understanding of each other’s personality and history, which can make them valuable friends and confidants. Their support can be particularly helpful during times of personal growth or change.
  • Familiarity: Having a shared past can make spending time together enjoyable and comfortable, allowing for meaningful conversations and activities that are grounded in a shared history.
  • Expanded Social Circle: Staying friends with an ex can help maintain connections with mutual friends and expand your social circle.